Blue Schooner Company

Sail Cargo

Bringing a new alternative to mass maritime transport by supplying a non-polluting solution to all buyers or producers interested in reducing their environmental footprint

Carbon-free transport,
a different world.

The Blue Schooner Company project is led by Guillaume Roche and Jeff Lebleu, joined by Julien Pouezevara. Today, they put their convictions and experience to use towards a responsible and environmentally-friendly transportation by creating the Blue Schooner Company.

As a transportation company, the Blue Schooner Company navigates on commercial routes in Europe and across the Atlantic to carry goods, essentially fair trade and produced following biological methods. Our society has developed a model that rests on the transportation and sale of goods, as well as embarking passengers, and being present at certain nautical events.

For the Blue Schooner Company, the time has come to act against climate change and for each of us to work to at our level towards sustainable development.


Our business promises another way of consumption : more concerned about the environment and those who product organically, applied to the transportation of goods.

Our sail cargo, Gallant.

Its story

Goélette de charge, notre premier navire a été construit à Vlaardingen (Pays Bas) au chantier des frères Figee et lancé en 1916 sous le nom de Jannetje Margaretha. Voir ses caractéristiques.

Current position

There are 2 ways to estimate it :
  • When near the costs, we are located by MarineTraffic.
  • When ou at sea for long crossings, we send our position via satellite.

Ship your products

We transport and sell products well-known for their quality, produced locally, ethically and ecologically with a complete transparency on the origin and delivery. Producers, importers, distributors : contact us !

Ready to sail with us ?

We embark sailors in vocational training as well as passengers depending on places available.
Join the crew by emailing us at [email protected].

Les Comptoirs de Misaine

Crossing the Atlantic, carried by the power of wind, and offering you exceptional products.

Coffee, cocoa, nutmeg, raw materials used for cosmetics, olive oil, salt, vinegar… we also offer a wine and spirits aging service, at sea.


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